Toxic tort attorney Tom Burcham shares insight into diacetyl, popcorn lung, vaping, inhalation in factories, and how this creates major lung damage.
Below is an article discussing diacetyl and acetyl propionyl. While the focus of the article is on vaping, the discussion on factory workers is who inhale diacetyl daily is key. Depending on an individual you may have symptoms within months while others develop them after years of exposure. Inhaling this toxic chemical is dangerous. If you have worked in a factory with this chemical and have inhaled it you need to contact Tom Burcham today, you may be eligible for monetary compensation. Call Tom at 573-756-5014 or email him via the online form.
Two prominent Vapestore businesses have recently removed from sale e-liquids they have found to contain “unacceptable levels” of diacetyl and or acetyl propionyl (DA/AP). This really is the e-cig industry’s zombie issue. It keeps coming back year after year, but never resolved. And it’s a complex one which divides opinion. In this piece, I’m not looking to hash out the rights or wrongs of the companies involved in the latest sagas or to talk about the particulars of these cases, but to draw out some of the perspectives that mean this issue may never be fully resolved. What are Diacetyl and Acetyl Propionyl? DA/AP are compounds of the diketone class. DA, in particular, exists widely in nature, and is responsible for the buttery taste of many foods and beverages. It’s absolutely safe to eat or drink, but inhalation is known to be problematic. A number of cases of “Bronchiolitis Obliterans” in popcorn factory workers exposed to DA led authorities to create very strict limits to the amount of DA that workers may be exposed to. It has since been discovered in workers in other manufacturing plants. Bronchiolitis Obliterans is a condition in which irreversible scarring to the lungs is produced, in serious cases requiring lung-transplants. Ironically, the only other known causes of Bronchiolitis Obliterans is lung transplants themselves. Acetyl Propionyl has a very similar taste profile to DA, and it appears many manufacturers may have chosen to use it in e-liquid as a replacement for Diacetyl in the mistaken belief that AP is safe or safer. There’s ample reason to assume that AP has almost exactly the same safety profile as DA.